WSDA is pleased to announce the availability of organic cost share funding for Washington State businesses. Apply today and don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive a refund of your annual certification fees.
What is the Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP)?
The OCCSP is part of the US Farm Bill. For 2024, the program will reimburse certified operations for up to 75% of their annual certification fees, with a maximum of $750 per certification scope. For this cost share cycle, refunds are available for qualifying fees paid between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024.
What scopes and fees qualify for cost share?
Certified operations are eligible for up to a $750 refund per certification scope. Certification scopes include: crop, livestock, wild crop, and processing or handling. The following WSDA Organic Certification fees qualify for a cost share refund: new application fee, renewal application fee, annual inspection fee, site application fees, land assessment fees, new product fees, new scope fees. Late fees and fees for additional inspections to determine compliance are not eligible for reimbursement.
What is WSDA’s role?
The OCCSP is administered by USDA but the funds are released to State Departments of Agriculture, such as WSDA, and local FSA offices to distribute. As your certifier and a State Agency, WSDA is in a unique position to both calculate your eligible fees and process your refund, making the process as simple as possible. Please note, WSDA has received funds to reimburse Washington State businesses. If you are certified by WSDA but your business is located in another state, you should contact either your state department of agriculture or your local FSA office for instructions on how to apply.
How do I apply?
The application process is quick and simple. Follow the instructions in the Cost Share Application Form. A separate form must be completed for each certification number seeking reimbursement. Applications will be prioritized in the order received. We strongly encourage you to apply by email to avoid potential delays. (organic@agr.wa.gov) Any applicants must have a valid Statewide Vendor Number before applying for an organic cost share refund.
The deadline for submitting a 2024 Cost Share Application is November 15, 2024.
The Organic Certification Cost Share Program is in place to support organic businesses like yours and we look forward to processing your application and refund. If you have questions, please feel free to email or call the WDSA office. You can also find additional information on USDA’s website: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/occsp
WSDA Organic Email Address: organic@agr.wa.gov
Click the document icon below to download the Cost Share Application Form.